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OUGD502 - Task 7 - Samples Of Work

Based on the exercises, feedback and discussion in the module so far:

Part 1 - Identify document and evaluate a minimum of 10 examples of professional designer's and/or design studios who have used a range of media and formats to distribute samples of their work. You should aim to select a range of examples using a range of media.

Part 2 - Produce a short (50 word) SWOT analysis of each example in order to analysis its relative merits and effectiveness as a promotional tool or strategy.

Two Times Elliot (London)

5 man strong graphic design consultancy based in Notting Hill London.


Very good at networking both on a professional level through the use of their own website, email, behance network, linked... and also on a more social level, frequently uploaded images throughout their day to instagram. Also quite highly active on Twitter and Facebook to help bring in the more social and personal side of them which can obviously lead to potential clients and collaborations. 


Their branding isn't consistant, as they are currently working with two logos which makes them less recognisable and also less professional when it comes to releasing samples of work etc. They also don't really use any physical means to contact people, just digitally. 


There are opportunities there on the 'physical' product side of things, which could be achieved by sending a physical creative CV or samples out which helps leave a lasting impression and also brings a tactile edge which could beat digital. 


Threats are the size of the company and the amount of following they have. They have a head start when it comes to collecting contacts and knowing who to speak to , so this is the obvious main threat. 

 Not Now (Manchester) 

5 man strong, very small studio in Manchester. 


The strengths are that the studio is small and deliberately so. They get to be very niche with their work and what they like to do and they have gained a reasonable following and clientele from this. They often curate exhibitions in Manchester, collaboratively with other art studios, galleries and bars/clubs which is a great way to get their name out there and distribute work. They are also very up to date on social networks which boosts them. 


As stated, they are very niche and are therefore limiting their potential clientelle. They must be working from a very low budget, which hinders them potentially when it comes to self promotion and releasing work samples.


Opportunities lie in being more versatile and tapping further into professional networks, which is something this studio lacks in. This helps build a bigger base when it comes to releasing work samples. 


They are quite different, unique and are making fairly big waves from a small studio which makes them stand out amongst a crown of studios. they are often quite experimental within their work which can work to their advantage by creating something different to release work samples.

Ryan Todd (London)

Ryan Todd is a London-based artist and designer. Working on a diverse range of personal and commercial projects, his focus is on producing ideas-led images which exercise forms of creative thinking and wit.


In tandem with his own work, Ryan also co-runs the independent publishing collective, Duke Press. This has become a platform for collaboration through creative printmaking and book-binding. This gives him something else than his original skill which will bring in more contacts professionally as well as clientele. He's got some big name on his client list. 


He's a freelancer so work will be hard to get and there may be dry spells. It's harder to network both socially and professionally in order to get clients and contacts within the professional creative industry. 
Being a freelance designer, He dosen't really have a solid brand for himself either which could hinder clientele and be less lasting when it comes to work samples and promoting his identity.  


He mainly works within illustration which makes him much less versatile when it comes to other areas of design. This opens up doors in other areas to get in with work samples and he lacks a clear brand which is something else can leave lasting impressions through work samples. 


He has a massive list of clients which also means a large contact base which will be great when it comes to releasing work samples and getting his name out there. 

Passport  (Leeds)


Passport Design Bereau consists of two ex LCA BAGD students and you can see their branding and promotion material above. This is a really successful collection of work which helps show what their capable of doing, whilst also giving them a solid brand which will help them become regognised which is good for samples of work-wise. 


This was distributed online, and has received quite a lot of attention which is good for business, but there was nothing physical sent out, which is another way which could be better for making a lasting impression, whilst also showing the work off, in its best, purest form. 


By Sending away physical products, even if it's just a well thought out and crafted business card, then this can help leave a longer lasting impression and be physically there in front of people, which could help ring in more business. 


Professionally Networking online  is where the strength of this company lies and they do this to the highest standard. It also helps to bring in more attention and professional contacts as well as potential clientele. 

Oliver Spencer (Sunderland)


This is a really stand out piece of work and a great little concept for a creative CV by recent graduate Oliver Spencer. By creating a conversational tone with the person who reads it, it makes it more personal and instantly grabs attention, standing out before anything else. 


I feel that the use of info graphics and black and white imagery inside the promo pack is a little bit overused which is sad because although the front cover is inviting, the inside is rather ordinary. 


The opportunities I feel are creating a lasting impression such as the quote he's used here, but also backing this up with quality work inside and a consistency. 


The promo pack used processes and is generally a well crafted piece of design. To compete with this, you would have to make your CV stand out with use of processes or  careful colour and stock consideration. 

Kervin Tan (Philippines)


I like this rather simple CV from designer Kervin Tan. Although it's nothing amazingly special, the design reflects the designer. The colour choice, type and layout skills are executed really well along with iconograpy. Simple but effective. 


There is no printed version of this so it's hard to see how it could work physically, and what processes are used if any. It also has the fear of just getting lost amongst the others. Theres nothing that instantly stands out and grabs your attention. 


The opportunities are there in the more innovative side of things. Trying to come up with a concept which is much more unique than this. 

Gary Corr (Belfast)


This neat little mailer is very tactile and uses lots of processes like screen printing, embossing, letter pressing etc. This helps show skills as well as instantly standing out 


Again, this is all showy but when you look at the actual design within this, it's not amazing. The type driven CV itself is a little below par for me. 


The opportunities lie in the quality of design. I think that if this would improved then this concept would be great overall. 


The main threats are the time, effort, quality and process gone into making this. It's not as easy as it sounds to make this and this is why it's a threat. 

Alexander Raubo 


Really like the execution of this CV and it's different to a lot of things i've seen before. Yes, infographs are common on CV's, but this has a strong style and is very effective design wise. It's clean, contemporary and makes a lasting impression. 


The main weakness is like I said is that Info graphics are used a lot and this could mean that it might get overlooked depending on who is looking at the piece. 


The opportunities lie in the concept again mainly for this one. I think that with something thats a little bit more different from this, it will be more successful with more companies. 


The main threats are the skill in design of this. It must have took a long time and it's done to a really high standard. 

Joshua Yap (New Zealand)


Another stand out concept here. the quote "I'll behead superman just to get this job" is dramatic but also quirky and will probably get any person instantly intrigued. It also gives a sense of his personality. 


The main weakness of this is probably the illustration. If you a designer its not really a good thing to solely base your work on illustration unless you was going for an illustration job . This also could be personal preference though. 


The opportunities lie in the design. I would of probably gone for the quote to be bigger than the illustration, but again this is personal. 


Great illustrative skills that are hard to compete with. A certain style which some people may be looking for. 

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