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PPP Presentation

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10 minute presentation

The Start of year presentation is split into three main sections;

- Interning
- Briefs
- COP3


To start the presentation I talked very briefly through some of my work created during my 6 week placement at Uniform Brand & Communications Agency, based in Liverpool and then went on to look at some important things I've learnt whilst being with uniform.


I talked through the main selected 8 briefs that I'm taking on this year with a brief overview of the brief title and objective as well as some imagery to show some background information on each of the briefs I'm taking on, along with visuals and ideas on where the creative challenges will be and what they might lead to.


The third and final section of the presentation was discussing COP starting with my dissertation question and splitting off into the 5 main sections of research that I have been undertaking over the summer; including visual aids to help explain. I finished the presentation with explaining a brief idea of what I might create from this research on the practical side of my dissertation; brand guidelines.

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